Olives are traditionally harvested from mountainous olive groves of northeast Pelion (Zagora, Pouri, Makrinitsa and Katohori). After harvesting, they are transported to the oil mill, where they are crushed to produce the olive oil. The variety is olives used is Amphissis, from Pelion.

Extra virgin olive oil 50ml

Extra virgin olive oil 100ml

Extra virgin olive oil 250ml

Extra virgin olive oil 500ml

Extra virgin olive oil 750ml

Extra virgin olive oil 1lt

Extra virgin olive oil 2lt


Extra virgin olive oil 5lt

Aromatic olive oil

These are naturally flavored olive oils using various aromatic plants (fresh or dried), spices and citrus fruits.

Extra virgin olive oil with basil

Extra virgin olive oil with cayenne pepper

Extra virgin olive oil with chilli and garlic

Extra virgin olive oil with rosemary

Extra virgin olive oil with dried tomato

Extra virgin olive oil with hot pepper

Extra virgin olive oil with lemon, carnation & cinnamon

Extra virgin olive oil with orange and thyme

Extra virgin olive oil with orange and mastic